Mini Biography

Robert "Leslie"Stencil's epic battle to save the soul of America. One man's dedication to rallying a nation to fight against the tyranny of Washington, D.C.

From the most humble beginnings, Leslie Stencil was born in 1958. He was the second son out of six born to Lois and Jerry Stencil of San Jose, California. Lois was a stay-at-home mother, and Jerry was a freight transportation provider and race car owner. He raced automobiles, and it was once told that they used to run liquor from Northern California to Oregon and Washington. Lois's father was a professional musician and record producer back in the late '40s and early '50s. It is rumored that Jerry's father built ships during the Second World War and moved to Reno to start a sheet metal fabrication shop once the war was over, which employed about 200 men. Leslie C. Stencil's company was one of the largest shops in Northern Nevada and did most of the HVAC work in the downtown commercial sector in the early days of Reno. Leslie's grandfather also invented and patented the first ice dispenser in the 1960s. All together, Leslie was born into a very industrious and hard-working family. See patent link below.

In 1960 Leslie had just turned three. His father moved the family to Southern California, where he spent his early years going to school. He frequents the coast, where he learned to surf at Long Beach, California. He was also active in school plays. The most memorable performance was when he was six and landed the lead role as the announcer in Timothy Tuncan's toy shop. during which he also played the recorder in front of a live audience. He discovered a love for public speaking, and for the next few years, during Christmas, he also played Joseph in the live nativity scene on Euclid Avenue in downtown Ontario, California. Among other things, he got his first go-kart when he was nine, played Little League baseball, loved building tree forts in the orange grove behind his home, and was the fastest short-distance runner at his school. He won countless first-place awards in the 50-yard dash and the 100-yard dash, and he was also the fourth person on the last leg of the 440 because he could catch up and pass anyone.

Leslie was raised with the emphasis that there was no reason to be out of school or at work. His mother's model was to stay healthy and get good grades. His father's model was, "If there is anything you ever want to do for work in life, go get the job." If they fire you before you leave, they will tell you what you did wrong. Just don't do that again. Leslie took these lessons and incorporated them into his life with gusto. Leslie also developed a work strategy and told his future employers that he would work for free for the first couple of weeks to become acclimated to the process, and if they didn't like his work, they didn't have to pay him anything. He never got fired.

At the ripe age of 9, Leslie didn't know that the Wright brothers had already flown at Kitty Hawk. He built his own set of wings and tried to fly off his family's home. Luckily for him, there was a pile of sand below the two-story drop. He did not get hurt, but his mother said that was the end of his flying days.

Leslie spent his adolescence in 1968 working as a paperboy. At the age of 10, he had two paper routes, and with the first paycheck, he bought his first Schwinn banana seat bike, which was a golden color. His mother was driving him, and the bike allowed Leslie to become more independent. His parents moved from Ontario to Upland. Leslie fell in love with his first childhood sweetheart, Leslie Ann Robinson. Leslie was the first girl he ever kissed. Before moving back to northern California, he bought her a blue sapphire ring with two diamonds and told her he would love her forever.

In 1971, Leslie was 13. His father went to work hauling bulk cement for the local cement plant in Milpitas, California. Leslie was with his father late one night at 3:00 in the morning. They were on the way back from Kaiser Permanente in Northern California on Highway 95 when his father suddenly said, "It's time for you to learn how to drive." Jerry set up, and Leslie slid under him. Leslie was now operating a 150,000-lb rig speeding down the highway at 70 mph on a deserted road. Leslie said he was scared shitless, but after about a hundred miles, Leslie became comfortable, and fast has that happened. Jerry took back the wheel from the big rig and said, "Well done, son."

In 1972, Leslie and his cousin John Duarte, who was of Mexican heritage, were hired by the cement plant owner to do part-time work. They filled their days with repairing wood pallets, pouring large concrete blocks for barriers, cleaning up concrete waste, washing the concrete trucks, and cleaning the bulk cement trailers. While on the job, Leslie became an expert forklift operator, semi driver, and could operate a cement mixer truck. Leslie was hired because his father was highly favored by the owner of the plant and was always on time. He also worked at the local brick and block plant stacking block , and his first job outside of the plant was a wheelbarrow operator wheelbarrowing 250 lb of cement for a cement contractor. This helped him develop a good work ethic at a very young age. Leslie's father also thought it would be a great life lesson and a great way to instill good values. His father also suggested that he also work some summers at the local migrant camp, picking fruit. Learning to work alongside the migrant workers and appreciating their culture taught him the basics of living.

By the time Leslie became a teenager, he had been proven to be reliable and could follow directions. At such a young age, he already had a wide range of opportunities. His father told him that when he could learn to master each job as given to him, then and only then would he move up and get a pay increase. He started as a simple wheelbarrow operator and was gradually given harder and harder tests to complete. Eventually, Leslie was rewarded by his father with a highly coveted promotion. While working his way up the company, Leslie also graduated from Samuel Ayer High School in his junior year. At this time, Leslie's father was offered a promotion and a new job title as owner. This encouraged the entire family to relocate to Southern California.

Eventually, Leslie joined the military at age 17. At the end of 1975,  he went to basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, where he was part of Charlie Company. He signed up for the guaranteed entry program, giving him the option to leave the military if the selected job was not available. Leslie signed up for OH-58 helicopter repair because he thought that if he was taught how to fix them, then he would be able to go to office candidate school and learn how to fly them. Sadly, his career was short-lived when he broke his wrist during training and was given an honorable medical discharge.

Over the next 10 years, Leslie earned a top spot in the family through hard work and dedication. From this point forward, Leslie showed his diligence while, at the same time, his father was offered a life-changing event. By way of hard work, good fortune, and God's grace, Jerry was invited to go into the construction business for himself by Robert E. Fulton of the Fulton Company of Southern California. Robert was one of the biggest dirt movers in Southern California. He offered Jerry a chance to be the owner-operator of heavy equipment in the mass grading business. This was one of the most sought-after positions because it placed millions and millions of yards of dirt throughout California. This was during the early days of the construction boom of the 1970s and '80s, which built the infrastructure of highways and interstate systems. not to mention the buildout of huge commercial and residential projects all over California.

Leslie followed on the heels of his father and was hired and personally mentored by upper management on some of the biggest infrastructure projects, ranging from hundreds of millions to tens of billions of dollars in new construction. Leslie learned everything to do with major infrastructure projects. Leslie continued to use excel and did very well. And all the while, he loved to race motorcycles and spent some of his weekends riding his dirt bike all over the San Gabriel mountain range. This allowed him to spend a lot of time in Cucamonga Canyon. Leslie was so good at riding motorcycles that he was invited to ride for the local Yamaha team in Redlands, California. But he didn't take the sponsorship because he already had a great job. He was also a local 12 operating engineer member and was making $12.68 per hour, plus $8 per hour for insurance and retirement benefits. at a time when the average wage was $4.50 an hour.

Leslie was eventually offered the opportunity to purchase one of his father's 824 rubber tire dozers in 1979, which is in the 100,000-lb class of heavy equipment. His father said if you can come up with $5,000, I will carry the loan of $55,000, so what did Leslie do? When his dad was at work one day, Leslie went into his father's office, borrowed his financial statement, and took it to a friend. That friend agreed to loan Leslie the money. This put Leslie in business at the right age, at 19, grossing $60,000 per year. Pictures of equiptment below.

Leslie contracted for all kinds of small projects in the beginning. from clearing lots for new houses to custom grading for those lots. He also did many subdivisions and subdivides so landowners could capitalize on separating existing pieces of property so those partials could be sold to the highest bidder for development. At this time, Leslie's father and mother divorced. He had planned to go to college, but those plans were foiled as his family now needed him to mentor his brothers and sister to be able to work because of the financial stress from the divorce. Leslie struggled because he did not have enough experience in office management because he was always working in the field. Between the pressures from his parents' divorce and his lack of management experience, he went through some rough times. Reaching at one point, 125 employees. He admits that he made a lot of mistakes and wishes that he had had mentors to help him through the difficult times. You might say he failed to find his way forward.

Leslie was 23 in 1981, when he was reunited with his childhood love, Leslie, for two years. Upon running away to Hawaii, her mother and father separated them both soon after their return to the mainland. Leslie family was from old money, and Leslie was from new money and the other side of the tracks. And Leslie Anne Robinson's family wouldn't have anything to do with that. So they made sure that the two never got together.

Leslie also had some minor bumps with the law growing up. His greatest milestone in life was when he stopped drinking at the age of 26. Six years later, when he moved from Southern California to Florida, he overcame addictions to smoking pot and using crank (speed).

Before the divorce, Jerry, Leslie's father, moved his family to Redlands, California. In 1983, Leslie had turned 25. He owned his own construction business and built all kinds of small to medium-sized infrastructure projects throughout Southern California. Also at this time, Leslie was also traveling part-time to Hollywood in pursuit of an acting career at the Eli Real School of Acting. During this period, in 1985, Leslie met and married Carissa Faye Smoot from Caldwell, Idaho. Her family relocated to Redlands when her stepdad, Paul, was transferred by Kmart. Leslie fathered four children: Stephanie Renee, Robert Leslie, Cole Aaron, and Miranda Kelly. Robert Jr. was killed in a car accident in 2017.

In 1992 Leslie moved to Florida after looking for 10 years for his childhood best friend and first cousin, John Duarte. They were separated when John entered the US Air Force. While there, Leslie decided to change directions and become a product brand developer. He invented a product called Techna Lube Engine Fortifier. To this day, it is one of the most endorsed engine treatment additives by the McMullen publishing group. The only competition at the time was Slick 50. Leslie also shot his first direct response commercial. He hired the entire production team and trained the talent. He was one of the first producers to put a top-three NASCAR Winston Cup driver in a speaking role in a commercial, which subsequently aired nationally for two years. Leslie also worked very closely with the editing team for the final commercial rollout, doing all the editing with only the help of the engineer. The driver was Morgan Shepherd, who drove for the Wood Brothers Citgo team. At the time, he was in the top three of the series. Leslie was also the first to cross-brand two oil deals on a NASCAR Winston Cup race car: Citgo and Techna Lube.

Leslie moved from Florida to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1993. He was in pursuit of the business relationship that would be required by closely associating his new company with the NASCAR crowd. Leslie was able to procure product placement on the shelves of Advanced Auto and AutoZone regionally, but was knocked off by Bruton Smith from Speed Way Motorsports. Zmax, in which Leslie wrote the original commercial for Techna Lube and Bruton stole it, along with Leslie's business plan, while Bruton was pretending to purchase 51% of Techna Lube Chemical Company, Inc. He made an offer just so he could use the 10 magazine endorsements that Leslie received from McMullin and Yee publishing and stick his own probuct paraffin in Leslie's bottles.

After Leslie's divorce in 2002, he went back to his roots. He wrote letters to his 20 investors in Techna Lube and explained to them that the company was not going to make it; the divorce had taken its toll, and at that time he was awarded custody of his three minor children: Robert Leslie, Cole Aaron, and Miranda Kelly. He was broken over the irreconcilable differences caused by Chris, but he used it as a platform—his stepping stone to an even better future—so for the next 6 years he worked hard and made his children his priority. He also went to counseling on his own, because he didn't want to repeat what happened with his first relationship.

Leslie started off by getting his contractor's license for heavy highway and public utility work, specifically infrastructure-specific work. He then became qualified to work for the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). He operated Alpha Development Company, Inc., with 28 NCDOT classified codes that include bridge building.

His first contract was with the city of Concord, North Carolina. He received endorsements for that completed work. His company also became a vendor for the city of Charlotte, where they completed road projects throughout the county of Mecklenburg, earning him more accolades and endorsements. He then undertook many other projects, including road widening, commercial pad construction, parking lots, and parking lot restoration. Leslie also worked on new subdivision developments within a 100-mile radius of the Charlotte market. During this time, he also mentored Mike Fringd,  who comes from Concord, North Carolina. Mike started off as a construction laborer, and now Mike owns a business that is worth over several million dollars. Leslie also helped Lester Shelton and once shopped the libor rate loan for one of Lester's $6 million loans and beat the price Lester had by $250,000. He also helped him crunch numbers for his subdivisions and found him the best pricing for materials. One day, Lester came to Leslie with a business proposition. Lester said if Leslie would go and find property of up to 100 acres and do all the calculations to put new homes on that property, he would finance and split the projects 50/50. They became partners in Alpha Development Company incorporated. This was a no-brainer for Leslie because of his development background. During this time, Leslie lost his oldest son, Robert Leslie Isaac, to a car accident. It was the most sorrowful time of his life, and he still feels sorry for what his former wife, Carissa, had to endure with the rest of his children. Robert will be forever missed, and Robert will be forever loved.

In 2008, Leslie had just reached his bicentennial milestone. Lester and Leslie put together a 142-lot subdivision where Leslie did all the legwork, i.e., comps construction estimating and setting up the takedown schedule for the stick builders to purchase the lots. Leter had agreed to do the $7 million in financing, and the loan was already signed and had all 142 lots under contract. The property's civil set of construction plans were approved by the city of Locust, North Carolina. Then the market collapsed, and the two lost about $100,000 in fees. This is when the company was bought by Leslie, and he started to contract with the city of Charlotte, as mentioned before.

In September of 2008, Leslie met his former wife, Ludmila Okseichuk, who has a master's in business and the English language. Luda helped Leslie with operations; she took care of the books and whatever was needed. Luda made sure the contracts were correct and filled in where needed. Leslie took care of the different scopes of work, including estimating all the trades for each contract, like demolition of existing structures, removal and replacement of all types of concrete and asphalt paving, milling of streets, constructing new concrete curbs and gutters, city sidewalks, new asphalt paving of roads and streets, and NCDOT highway projects. Leslie's construction company was doing well, but then he found out that one of the concrete companies was overcharging every time a load of concrete was delivered to a project. Leslie and the city inspector went and measured off 5,000 cubic yards of concrete poured on the ground and what the concrete company charged for, minus the amount the concrete company billed for and was now suing for. But by the time he found out about it, it was too late; the concrete company had filed a lawsuit without notice in a different part of the state, and Leslie found out only by accident. He then went to court the next morning. The judge wanted to know how he was going to pay the company. Leslie told the judge he didn't owe that money to the company because the lawsuit was already in place. There was nothing he could do; the judge gave him 24 hours to file bankruptcy, and that's what he did.

After the failure of Leslie's construction company in 2009, the market collapsed at the same time. Leslie did some very deep soul-searching, and he then prayed with all of his heart to God to give him a chance to really make a difference in the world. Leslie first said, "Give me a heart for the people; let me do something that will help the masses." "Let me ride on the front of the wave," he said in true surfer style. the crest through the funnel, he explained, because up to this point in time Leslie had only barely caught the wave, or on the back of the wave, and success was very short-lived. Then, through careful consideration and in view of all his tried and missed endeavors, the spirit was with Leslie, and from that point forward, every person he needed to know came forth.

In 2010, when Leslie was 52, he was searching for the best-written business plans online. When he came across the business plan written about a gold mine, Leslie called the writer and was then introduced to a man named Christopher Petrella, who he came to find out was a lobbyist. Chris explained to Leslie that he had written a business plan for low-speed electric vehicles and an RFP for the general service administration (GSA) for that vehicle but could not find anyone to produce the car. So he asked Leslie to look at his plan. About a week later they talked, and Leslie said to him, "First of all, entrepreneurs want to build their own vehicles; that's why he could not find someone, and besides, his vehicle was not that attractive." Right away, things seemed to click, and he reviewed this opportunity like he did any new construction project and started taking the steps to talk with people associated in that type of business, like Borg Warner for transmissions and A123 batteries to power the vehicles, and other experts as well. Which endorsed Leslie as an expert EV manufacturer. Leslie also worked on a plan to purchase Ford vehicles as gliders, which means without an engine transmission or gas tank, to be retrofitted to all electric for demonstration for the GSA. Leslie even went to Ford Incorporated in Detroit and met with Dick Kupke they're sustainability manager and the chief marketing officer about producing the vehicles for the plan. Ford Incorporated was willing to work with him in the natural gas Transportation space. This can be done if a company holds a carriage license number 520. Chris also said he was going to write a bill in Washington as part of a pork belly project for the United States government to raise $20 million for the company. Leslie said, "Okay, what do we have to lose?" Chris also said he received two carriage licenses, and Leslie would receive one. The NHTSA application was sent in after the company was incorporated.

Also in 2010, Leslie and Luda married. Leslie remembers that just before that, they both thought about living together, Luda wanting Leslie to move in with her. Leslie was flattered by the offer and then gently reminded Luda of his promise to God not to live in sin and reproduce the sins of his forefathers. They both agreed, it would be in the best interest of the children, that they would get married first before living together. After about 2 weeks they got married. They planned that Leslie would come to Luda's house in Charlotte and propose to the whole family—mother Lydia, Daniella, and Gabriel. When he did, he came in, got on one knee, and said, "Will you marry me?" The whole family answered yes. Leslie and Luda's marriage was a classic storybook romance, full of flowers, cards, and travel to the beaches and mountains. They seem to be the happiest couple in the world. Leslie fell hard for Luda; he was all in; they would be inseparable. Yes, he loved before, but that was more of an old-school love; this was real romance! one of caring and nurturing, something Leslie learned after his divorce from Carissa, when he went on his own to marriage counseling for one year. He also took in a marriage retreat alone. Leslie wanted to find out what he did wrong in the first marriage and never repeat it in the future. He wanted to be the perfect soulmate, ready not just for a good relationship but a great one, and he thought he fouund that in Luda.

Leslie started Niyato Industries Inc. in 2011. Chris signed a contract to issue NHTSA license number 520 to Niyato. Leslie remembers that Chris also gave him a business plan called Twismato, which was first used as the template for Niyato Industries, Inc., which, as originally named by Daniella Van Dreel, Luda's daughter, said if we're going to produce electric vehicles, we need a Japanese name. Leslie followed, with Americans loving their Japanese cars. It seemed that everything he did from that point on was blessed by God. Leslie's prayers were answered, and all the right people came together. BorgWarner endorsed Leslie as well as 1-2-3 batteries out of California and others. Then the news came that the Chevy bolt had caught fire. The news was bad, and it is still a problem today because batteries catch fire. So Leslie called all of his anchor and founding investors, and they all agreed with Leslie to switch to compressed natural gas, or CNG, and that's what they decided was the way they were going to go.

Natural gas is the earth's natural regenertive byproduct. The plates slide under each other 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all the dead plant life and creatures get crushed and cooked. The natural byproducts are natural gas and oil. The Earth is renewing the source, and it will be here till the life of the earth ends. It's the only renewable energy that never stops, unlike wind when it stops, like solar with clouds, and unlike when the ocean waves are calm. Geothermal is next as 100% renewable energy, and let's not forget about hydrogen, which is costly.

Switching to natural gas as a transportation fuel was the difference between night and day from the first meeting with and signing a contract with Impco Technologies Inc. in Detroit, the world's largest CNG kit provider for natural gas kits, which gave Leslie the lowest price in the industry. The purchase of 100 or more kits would be private-label under the Niyato Industries name. Leslie explained that Impco would be the primary supplier and suggested that Leslie contact Landy Renzo USA, which ended up being the secondary provider for the GM motor products. All contracts, like IMPCO, were drawn up and signed in person. They were never transmitted by email.

Now, after signing these contracts in 2012 and Landi Renzo's contract in 2015, they run in perpetuity. Leslie set out to master the industry. Leslie encountered many people. One of those people was Alan Hilmelfafb, who contacted Leslie and asked how he could help. Alan was Lee Iacocca's partner when Lee left Ford Incorporated and entered the low-speed electric vehicle business. Leslie was also sitting at his desk one day and praying and asking God to give him direction on how to build an automotive company when, in the spirit, he heard Google the phrase "number one automotive expert in the industry." Anne Steven's name popped up, along with a story about Anne and how she wrote the way forward so Ford Inc. would not have to file bankruptcy. Leslie got a hold of the writer from the Wall Street Journal article and sent a simple message. Please ask Anne if she is interested in being the president of an automotive manufacturing company. She wrote back with Ann's cell number. Leslie and Ann talked and signed in to NDNC, and then Anne agreed to mentor Leslie silently. She added that she was too high-profile to help Leslie at this early stage but said she would introduce Leslie to Kathi Hanley, the former senior vice president of Toyota of America. Kathy helped Anne develop the Edge vehicle for Ford. Kathi agreed to be Leslie's mentor and help Leslie lay out the corporate-level pay and benefits. She also agreed to be vice chairwoman of Niyato Industries, Inc.

Leslie also traveled to LNG 17 in Houston, Texas, in 2012. His mission was to find out why the Fortune 100 was not scaling up natural gas as the fourth transportation fuel for America. He met with Shell executives, ExxonMobil executives, BP America executives, Marathon Oil executives, and people from Texaco. What he found out was that even though the companies were very large, they spent most of their time investing in divesting their asses and trying to maintain shareholder profitability. In other words, they didn't have $5 billion to put 5,000 natural gas stations on the market, let alone 100. While flying from Detroit, where Leslie just finished signing contracts with Impco Technologies, he sat across from the number one liquid natural gas LNG engineer in the world, CH-4. Phil Suiter and his assistant were on their way to LNG 17 in Houston, Texas. After the two stopped talking, Leslie introduced himself. Leslie also came prepared; he explained that he was the CEO of a CNG alternative fuel company and that he was going to start an LNG export project to pay for the CNG station placement throughout North America. Leslie didn't know he would be laid up with a blood clot to the spleen for the first three days of the show. On the third day, Leslie finally made it to the show, and he had already spoken to most of the people mentioned above. But while marveling at the multi-million dollar display booth complete with ship models the size of cars, computers, and champagne, a lady came to him. She introduced herself as the leading engineer for Shell and said she was having an engineering problem with a project on the Mississippi River and could he help? Could I help because I've been asked to help? God put me exactly in the right spot.

Leslie said, "Follow me," and took her to see Phil at CH-4. Soon after that introduction , Phil company landed a $20 million contract. Phil said he would show Leslie the path to permitting the project. That also happened when Leslie spoke with John Anderson. John is the guy that signs off on the department's energy export permits; he explained exactly which permit to follow, and Leslie was sure to get it approved. He was also introduced to David Wochner, an attorney from K&LGates in Washington, DC, who pointed Leslie in the right direction for almost a year without any cost because he believes in Leslie. Leslie was also encouraged to write the original free trade export permit, which saved the company about $25,000. All David needed to do was point it up. Leslie and Dave also put in the permit, on page 3, the placement of 5,000 natural gas stations, which shows that the company was not just talking about it. It is written in contract with the Department of Energy and is not to be at the expense of the taxpayer. The company will also complete and do all the CNG kit conversions and up-fit work for vehicles at no expense to the fleet owner that wants to switch to CNG, which will all be paid out of LNG profits. The company will also spend part of its profits on huge carbon capture units that will scrub the CO2 emissions from automobile exhaust,  making this project mathane and carbon neutral.

All of this reminds Leslie of when he was in his late teens and early twenties. He remembers and now sees what brought him to the business of LNG exports and CNG vehicle conversion, and the one that headed up the writing of the master plan to scale natural gas as America's fourth alternative fuel for the transportation market. He says that when he was 18, he was the only young adult to have his own A-frame engine puller set out in front of his parents' house. His favorite car was a 1970 Javelin SST, complete with a factory Muncie 4-speed transmission and a Hurst shifter with 9-inch chrome craggers in the front and 13-inch craggers in the back. The car was candy apple light green; it was so beautiful and shiny that if you licked it, you could taste the apple flavor. Leslie raced every Thursday night. His car had a built  69 AMX 390 power plant engine transplant, roller rockers and lifters, ported and polished board and stroked, and a blueprinted and balanced. Leslie was a street racer in the purest sense. He used to say that he could blow an engine on Thursday night street racing, and by Friday night he'd replace the engine and be back out on a date that night. He knew every bolt personally.

Leslie was always on the edge when it came to speed, and it is often said that he turned over everything he drove trying to find the edge. He remembered that the car was on the pullover list in the city of Ontario, California, and when he would go to his friend's apartment that was located on the border of Cucamonga and Ontario, he would park the car at the gas station across the street and walk to his friend's apartment. Leslie also recalls the go-kart that he drove like crazy at nine and then traded for his first heliarc welder for it. Then Leslie became very interested in bicycles and the tricks he could do with them. Leslie said that he welded a safety bar between the handlebars so he would not break his gonads, welded pigs on the front and rear spindles, and installed big nabi tires like the first BMX bike of its kind, before the BMX was a BMX. He was an innovator at 10 like his grandfather, and he wants to innovate by bringing CNG as the fourth transportation fuel and giving something back to the people of America.

Leslie was an early adopter, and Jerry, Leslie's father, started the family off by teaching them that it's important to recycle, and believe it or not, you don't have to give your plastic or glass away; you can take them to places where they will pay you for them.

In 1987. Leslie bought his first alternative-fuel vehicle. An 1982  Chevy short-bed truck that was equipped with the option to operate on gasoline or propane. The truck was the talking point with all of his construction buddies. He had also been certified to troubleshoot IMPCO technologies CNG kits, and has an installer agreement, and is a certified installer for LandRenzo USA kits as well.

Leslie is the kind of guy who always asks questions and never assumes anything. His motto is to mitigate all the risk upfront, and there are no stupid questions; the only stupid question is the one not asked. He also coined the phrase "too funny" when he was nine. He also remembers coining the phrases when he was 13 in 1963, his favorite coined phrase was "another day in paradise," and when Tom Cruise said it three times in the movie Oblivion, it became famous. His most famous words are "trying is failing, and doing is finishing." When he quit drinking beer, he changed the word "brewski" to "bierski" in 1987. The phrase "a tune-up in a bottle" was trademarked by him and was coined by Trucking magazine in an article about Techna Lube engine fortifier, another one of Leslie's inventions. Leslie also coined the word "yumptuous" in 2009. Leslie was the first to put a NASCAR Winston Cup driver in the speaking role in a commercial, Morgan Shepherd. The first to cross-brand two oil deals were Citgo and Techna Lube. He was the first to put a stock offering on the hood of a NASCAR stock car; see the archives of NASCAR online, and I raced in 1993–1994. And his latest thing that he invented was that while he was at Charlotte jail, the men were fist bumping, and he asked them why they were fist bumping and not shaking hands. Their reply was that they Jack, so Leslie immediately invented the elbow bump, which was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal in September 2019. It went around the world, showing dignitaries from Washington meeting with those in Ukraine on the front cover when they all elbow-bumped.

It is very important to note that Leslie and his wife Luda drove to Washington, DC, on the third day of the investigation in 2015 and met with Justin Shure from Molo Lampkin, who was introduced by David Sweet, who is Bill Mogel's partner at Mogel & Sweet PLLC. Washington, DC, whose son works at the state department that did the introductions for Leslie to meet Justin. Justin's first question was, "Do you have a political advocate?" which means do you have someone in DC to vouch for who you are and what you are doing in the LNG sector. The answer was no, because Leslie didn't have the money to pay for one at that time, but will at some point in the future. Because this is proper protocol for Washington DC. Congressman, senator's, and President, all are part of the pay to play which is the name of the game in DC. Then Justin said, it's going to be pretty hard to pull this out of a nose dive without having a political advocate. Then Justin went to the DOJ headquarters and attempted to show that Leslie's company was a legitimate company with documentation of proof, including the Ford F-350 CNG vehicle developed by Niyato Industries, Inc. The DOJ said without hesitation, "Leslie is guilty!" Leslie always thought if you had nothing to hide, go and meet with your accusers and see what they have against you, and then show them where you stand and why, and that is what he and his wife Luda did. As Leslie says, and as you can see from the national media, they had another agenda. So put an innocent man in prison to cover up a half-trillion-dollar project that benefits all Americans for other special interests. Incidentally, Mogel and Sweet approached General American LNG to invest $12 billion from one of their current clients in Leslie's export facility and sign the fee agreement to do so. They also built the business plan specifically for their client. All documentation to show proof is available upon anyone's request.

At the end, Leslie followed his mentors, all 15 of them: Luda Stencil, Jerry Don Stencil, John Jeffers, Randy Fletcher, David Wochner, Anthony Jamratti, Berne Mosley, Bill Mogel, David Sweet, Ann Stevens, Kathi Hanley, Ronnie Oldham, Jim Gaiser, Alan Helmipharb, and Phil Suiter. Leslie never stepped over the line once, and he wants to clearly establish this fact. He says even now, why would a person steal a million dollars when he's building a billion-dollar industry in the beginning? The answer is that he wouldn't, and he didn't! It would never happen, especially when a person has as many credible endorsements as he does for these projects. Leslie is a humble, god-fearing man and would never do anything to jeopardize his family, shareholders, or mentors; he loves the American people and would never do anything to hurt any of them.

All of this is a classic example of the big guy pushing around the little guy. David versus Goliath, or in this case, Leslie Stencil versus the United States of America. What this means the bully is keeping back the American dream and lying about a man who worked very hard for it. and silencing him so the current LNG companies can control the market by using the government as their watchdog. He is officially blowing the whistle! Leslie says his companies are willing to pay their fair share, a full 35% in federal taxes, without any incentives or tax breaks. And he notes that his projects will create 244,000 jobs in a 30-year span. Leslie says he's traveled at least a million miles and attended over 330 meetings all over America in a three-and-a-half-year period of time. He met with most of the state leaders about leading America to a more sustainable future. Leslie is even more convinced now that CNG is the way to go. "It's not the final step, but it's the next step in creating a more sustainable and greener future," says Leslie.

These press releases are affidavits of fact, to the best of what Leslie recalls. Leslie has stated that he wants to make this clear: when he went on this mission, he promised he would never compromise in any way, and it was only by divine intervention that he was able to do all of this—to be the person that he is—truthful, faithful, and honorable. There is no other way to explain that on every plane flight and every place he went, there was a person that he was meant to meet, and he credits all of this to God. For it was a vision that he saw 20 years ago, and he promised to only follow and do whatever he could for the betterment of mankind. He is very angry at the federal government and states that there is no reason to make up evidence and fabricate events to convict an innocent man. and to allow convicted felons to be incentivized to testify against an innocent man to perpetuate this outlandish fraud, as the government has. Luda once told Leslie about a meeting she was having at FBI headquarters in Charlotte. Luda was the court interpreter, and the agents were questioning a Russian defendant. They paused for a moment and looked at each other, and one agent said to the other, "How do we connect the dots to convict this man?" And the other agent said without hesitation, "We make it up!" Leslie intends to write a bill that will indict those who falsely convict people and jail them for doing so. Notice has been served. It's unfortunate that his wife Luda wasn't strong enough, soon after Leslie entered the prison system Luda abandoned her responsibilities as a wife. And has not been seen since.

In the following 20-part story, you will see where a former president and vice president and the federal government conspired with federal agencies, federal employees, and four federal judges. and purposely held that critical evidence that proved Leslie Stencil's innocence. Violated the ethics rules in favor of higher personal stock worth in order to cover up and conceal the most prolific half-trillion-dollar project ever put together for the American people's benefit. The complete scaling of compressed natural gas (CNG) as the fourth transportation fuel and 5,000+ CNG stations at no cost to the taxpayer That was master-planned and delivered to the Obama and Biden DNC headquarters in 2012. The same company will build huge carbon capture units throughout the United States and the world to offset the carbon dioxide output. In lieu of a separate agenda, specifically the fleecing of America and the American people out of trillions of dollars through corruption, lies, and deceit at the highest level. Propagandizing it through the national media. including wasting millions of dollars of the American people's money through false convictions for back deals against the people's will with China and Ukraine and the Green New Deal disguised as the infrastructure bill, aka the inflation reduction bill.

You might find yourself wondering what can be done to change our nation's course. We all need to come together as a single voice, like our fathers did, to bring back our republic. We need to apply these tools for a new American revolution that will be fought in the hearts and minds of all Americans. The people are demanding a true leader, one that will lead by consensus and use common sense. Leslie is this person, and like Nelson Mandela, he waits in prison and calls for all the people of America to unite—the Republicans, the Democrats, and those patriots in Washington, DC, and get rid of the ones that have utterly destroyed this country by advocating for special interests. Now it's time for a complete change, and Leslie calls for a new plan.

That plan is below and Leslie promises that it will be a plan unlike anything we Americans have experienced since our forefathers founded this country back in 1776.

Leslie wants everybody to follow the link below and see what he believes, and the direction this nation should go, see the link below. If we all Stand Together right this very minute, we can take this country back. This is where the AMP link goes.


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